Mission Statement

To bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs.


FBLA Pledge

I solemnly promise to uphold the aims and responsibilities of Future Business Leaders of America, and as an active member I shall strive to develop the qualities necessary in becoming a responsible business leader.


FBLA Code of Ethics

I will be honest and sincere. I will approach each task with confidence in my ability to perform my work at a high standard. I will willingly accept responsibilities and duties. I will seek to profit by my mistakes and take suggestions and criticisms directed toward the improvement of myself and my work. I will abide by the rules and regulations of my school. I will exercise initiative and responsibility and will cooperate with my employer and fellow workers. I will dress and act in a manner that will bring respect to me and to my school. I will seek to improve my community by contributing my efforts and my resources to worth while projects.


FBLA Creed

I believe education is the right of every person.

I believe the future depends on mutual understanding and cooperation among business, industry, labor, religious, family, and educational institutions, as well as people around the world. I agree to do my utmost to bring about understanding and cooperation among all of these groups.

I believe every person should prepare for a useful occupation and carry on that occupation in a manner that brings the greatest good to the greatest number.

I believe every person should actively work toward improving social, political, community, and family.

I believe every person has the right to earn a living at a useful occupation and that this right should not be denied because of race, color, creed, sex, or handicap.

I believe every person should take responsibility for carrying out assigned tasks in a manner that brings credit to self, associates, school, and community.

I believe I have the responsibility to work efficiently and to think clearly. I promise to use my abilities to make a better place for everyone.


FBLA's Goals